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Writer's picturePat Pointer

6 Daily Affirmations To Increase Self Confidence.

6 Affirmations You should say to Yourself Daily To Increase Your Self Confidence And Arm Yourself With Stress Fighting Ammo!

Our thoughts have the ability to inspire us to change our situations, instantly. When we open our mouths to express our thoughts, the emotions behind those thoughts can uplift us or destroy us. Many times, things happen in our lives that could potentially change them for the better. But because some people do not understand the power of their thoughts, they may begin to overanalyze the situation and talk themselves out of a great opportunity. In addition, there may be times when an opportunity presents itself and someone close to us might say, “you can’t do that!” Or “you know you are too young/old for that.” How on earth do they know what is best for you? As a result of that conversation, a person may believe what they said is true and more than likely, talk themselves out of that opportunity. Sometimes we just do not believe or have enough confidence in ourselves to pursue it.

In times like these, you need Stress Fighting Ammo! Too often, we encounter people and situations that add stress to our lives. We must be able to discern what is best for us or find someone who we can trust to guide us to that safe place.

The next time you begin to doubt yourself, remember these 6 Affirmations:

1. I am at my strongest when I can depend on me.

2. I am powerful beyond my wildest imaginations.

3. I am an incredible human being!

4. I speak love, give love, and respect others and will accept nothing less.

5. I am perfectly fine with all of my imperfections.

6. Life is an amazing journey and I am blessed to be a part of it.

Life is good and less stressful when you live it on your own terms, without a hidden agenda to harm others.

Patricia Pointer

Certified Massage Therapist


Wellness Coach


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sheila perkins
sheila perkins
10 de abr. de 2022

I looked back over the article to write the affirmations down. It's refreshing to have positive thoughts to feed your Spirit nourishing fuel.

Patricia Pointer
Patricia Pointer
10 de abr. de 2022
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Thank you! Please share my inspirational site with others and invite them to join.


Lounita Mitchell
Lounita Mitchell
04 de abr. de 2022

These confessions are awesome! I read some of these daily in the word of God!!! I am is powerful!!!❤️

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