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Writer's picturePat Pointer

Appreciating Where You Are Right Now Rather Than Where You Believe You Should Be.

Add These Four Useful Tools To Set Goals And Accomplish Them.

If you are like many people, you tend to set small goals for yourself, daily. We find that small goals lead to great accomplishments. There are times that we tell ourselves that we will complete a task that we believe will lead to something great. The reality is that we may not get around to it for days, weeks, and sometimes years. After a while, time passes, making these accomplishments seem impossible. We begin to see others setting and reaching their goals. As a result, we become disappointed with ourselves.

Not completing a goal isn't the worst thing that could happen. Beating ourselves up while comparing ourselves to others is. We must understand that our timeline is what we choose it to be. It should never be based on what other people are doing or have done. Saying things like, I should be further along in my life than I am. Or my friends have two homes and I am still renting.

Self-defeating conversations never end well. We must be our biggest cheerleaders! Never dwell on what should have done. Every day we wake up, we have another opportunity to accomplish that small goal in order to reach that big goal.

Here are four helpful tools to use when you need encouragement.

1. Don't make excuses

2. Hold yourself accountable

3. Take small steps daily to reach your goals

4. Reward yourself for a job well done

Peace & Power

Patricia Pointer


Certified Massage Therapist

Wellness Coach


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