Four Ways to Incorporate Good Stress In Order To Balance Bad Stress.
Every time we are able to experience a new day, there is a chance that the day may not go as we expect it to. There are times we encounter mishaps, schedule changes, or an accident may occur that may throw our whole day into a tailspin. Someone once said, "it's not necessarily how you react to an issue, it's how you respond to it that can change everything."
Stress sometimes happens as a result of poor planning. Our need to "make things happen now," causes us to overwhelm ourselves with schedules that may not be conducive to what our mind, body, and spirit needs.
Things happen! We cannot control the outcome of every situation. However, we can do our best to control how we respond. Creating good stress to combat bad stress is key.
Stop, breathe, and think! Breathing brings oxygen into the Parasympathetic Nervous System in order to calm you down to make sound decisions. If this doesn't work, remove yourself from the situation.
Curse! If you must. Do not direct it at the person but at the situation. Sometimes kind words do not match the situation. The frustration can only be expressed in words that capture that feeling.
Carry a squeezy ball. A squeezy ball can sometimes allow you to release a deep or impactful feeling without harming yourself or someone else.
Plan ahead. Many times we take on tasks that we may not have time to do. If you must delegate the task to someone else, do so. Or don't take it on at all.
Incorporating these four simple stress-releasing ways will help to balance your day without adding unnecessary stress.
Peace & Wellness
Patricia Pointer
Certified Massage Therapist
Wellness Coach