5 Reasons Why We Should Never Put A Person On A Pedestal
Many people believe that giving high praise to a pastor or clergy is honoring that person's journey to becoming close to the Most High. There are some who also believe that a megastar should have equal praise. Sometimes, people have conversations about a person they have high regard for. However, the person they are conversing with has complete disdain for that individual. Who is right?
Why should we care?
While it is important to have role models and mentors, honoring yourself is powerful.
Here are 5 reasons why we should never put a person on a pedestal
These individuals are human just like we are. They make mistakes just like we do. They have the power to connect to their greatness within themselves just like we do.
Understand that you are just as powerful as they are. Realizing who you are, should be the burning flame to fuel your greatness.
Once you realize your greatness, you have the power to ignite that flame in others. Holding on to powerful fuel increases the potential for combustion. Therefore, you must plant your greatness seed in everyone!
Use your greatness to uplift others. There is enough room for all great people to shine.
Never allow anyone to take your greatness from you. You are amazing and powerful beyond belief.
Love for self is the highest honor.
Patricia Pointer
Massage Therapist
Wellness Coach