Five Ways For You To Pay Attention To Your Body And Respond.
Our bodies speak to us day and night. It sends us signals every time we are fortunate enough to wake up each morning. It gives us cues when we are hungry, tired, in pain, and when we need to eliminate. The body often tells us when we have had too much to drink if we choose to overindulge while drinking alcoholic beverages. It tells us when we have overeaten as it may feel like our belly will burst. The body will also tell us when we have had too much sugar or salt. The signals may be subtle but they will speak volumes if we don't pay attention.
Here are five ways your body may speak to you when it needs you to pay attention.
Headaches. Many people experience headaches when their blood pressure is elevated. Eating too much salt or sugar can cause your pressure to rise. This could also be a sign of dehydration. In order to get the required amount of water daily for your body, divide your weight in have and drink that in ounces.
Extreme dry skin and/or eyes. This too could be a sign of dehydration. Remember, our skin is the largest organ of our bodies. It is a good idea to pay attention when you apply lotion or oils to your skin. Your face should stay somewhat moist for a few or more hours, after application. If it starts feeling dry after a couple of hours, try increasing your water intake as well as eating more fruit and vegetables. Consulting your doctor may be a good idea too.
Shoulder and neck pain. If you carry a bag, purse, or backpack, try to lighten the load. Switching your bag from one to the other will also help. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
Lower Back pain. If you have extra weight on your lower belly, this will increase the stress on your lower back as well as your knees. If you are able, incorporate core strengthening exercises. This will help to support your lower back and promote good postural control. Also, increasing your water intake can help with eliminating toxins, allowing your spine and muscles to be more flexible.
Sleep deprivation. It is important to get the proper amount of rest, daily. I know that this is easier said than done. It is still worth mentioning. Our bodies require rest in order for them to restore, repair, and heal themselves back to homeostasis (balance). If you are having trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor for assistance. Exercise and meditation could also help.
Listening to your body is key to preventing potential illness from getting out of control.
Peace & Balance
Patricia Pointer
Certified Massage Therapist
Wellness Coach