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Writer's picturePat Pointer

If You Enjoy Beets, You'll Love Eating Their Leaves!

Here Are Four Reasons Why You Should Never Throw Away The Leaves Of Beets.

Beets are an amazing vegetable that yields spectacular results! There are many people who truly hate the taste of beets. However, there are others who swear by them as they have powerful medicinal properties. Beets can be served cold or hot, pickled or fresh. If you like the taste of beets but cut the leaves off and throw them away, you may want to consider putting them in a blender instead.

That's right! Beets are loaded with an incredible amount of valuable nutrients. The leaves are also packed with essential vitamins that will boost your immune system. Here are four reasons why you should never throw the leaves of the beets away again...

  1. The leaves are high in Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene. This means that they have the ability to improve the health of our eyes, just like carrots!

  2. They are loaded with Calcium and Vitamin K. Calcium keeps our bones and teeth healthy and strong. Vitamin K works together with Vitamin D to assist our teeth and bones to absorb calcium.

  3. They have a great amount of Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is known to improve the nervous system and brain development. This is great for our mental health which allows us to calm ourselves down when stressful situations arise.

  4. Beet leaves are great for lowering our blood pressure. They increase oxygen in our blood system which improves cardiovascular functioning. (Consult your doctor)

The next time you purchase beets, consider using the entire vegetable. Throwing the leaves away could possibly cost you more than you can ever imagine.

Peace & Balance

Patricia Pointer


Certified Massage Therapist

Wellness Coach


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Lounita Mitchell
Lounita Mitchell
Jan 27, 2023

Thanks so much Patricia!!!

This information is so good!!!!❤️👋

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