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Writer's picturePat Pointer

Is Wine A Better Choice Than Beer Or Liquor For The Holidays?

Three Reasons Why You Should Choose Red Wine To Complement Your Holiday Meals.

As the holidays approach, many of us will take part in festivities that will more than likely have alcohol available. There are so many options. If you plan to drink and the options include wine, consider drinking wine.

Here are three reasons why you should consider wine as the best option.

  1. Red wine has polyphenols which are antioxidants designed to protect the lining of our blood vessels.

  2. Wine slows down the digestive process during your meal. This will slow the process of becoming intoxicated.

  3. Drinking in moderation, wine has the potential to increase HDL cholesterol which is good cholesterol.

There are some studies that argue wine is no better than any of the other alcoholic beverages. The key is always moderation when including any alcoholic beverage with your meal.

Drink smart. To reduce the potential of becoming intoxicated, drink a glass of water before and after you have alcohol. If you drink too much, call a friend, or a taxi, or spend the night.

Peace and Balance

Patricia Pointer


Certified Massage Therapist

Wellness Coach


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