Three Alternate Ways To Make Some Of Our Favorite Soul Foods Dishes Healthier.
Enjoy Your Superbowl Weekend!
For many people of color, a celebration is not complete unless there are favorite recipes shared and dishes prepared. Some of those recipes will be passed down from several generations. Unfortunately, so will the unhealthy ingredients used to create them. As a result, high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer will also be a part of this tradition.
As we look toward our future, we must decide what we will pass down to the next generation. There are so many alternate ways we are able to prepare our favorite dishes using healthier ingredients that taste great if not better than what some people generally use. This is important if we want to decrease the potential for diseases.
If you enjoy eating sweet potato pie, mashed potatoes, pound cake, or collard greens, it is possible to prepare them using healthy ingredients. Here are three simple ingredients you can use.
Reduce the amount of sugar when you are preparing a pound cake or sweet potato pie. If the recipe calls for a cup, use half and add applesauce or blend fresh apples.
Decrease the amount of salt for mashed potatoes and collard greens. Use unsalted butter in your mashed potatoes. Fresh ginger, apple cider vinegar, and a tablespoon or two of peanut butter can be used in your collard greens instead of pork or meat. This will give them an amazing flavor.
Use safflower oil or cocoa nut oil instead of butter for some of your recipes that call for butter.
Whether it is a celebration for a holiday, birthday, or a Superbowl party, you can enjoy a party with healthy and delicious food.
Peace & Balance
Patricia Pointer
Certified Massage Therapist
Wellness Coach