What Do You Plan To Gain In 2023?
We have all made resolutions for the new year. However, many of us are well-intended but we get distracted and lose sight of our goals. Some of us set goals with high expectations which may cause us to feel overwhelmed when we attempt to take on these challenges we have set for ourselves.
Accomplishing goals should be approached with the intent of taking small steps first. Preparing a list may help. If you haven't already, create a vision board. Vision boards are ideal for long-term goals. You may want to consider having two vision boards. One for short-term and another for long-term goals. The short-term goal should focus on daily, weekly, and monthly goals. The long-term goals should focus on one to five years and beyond. Each of your vision boards should be revisited and modified monthly in order to ensure you are on your journey to becoming a better you. https://www.monroeinstitute.org/blogs/testimonials/vision-boards-a-powerful-tool-for-manifestation?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=TMI-Programs-DSA-Grant&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI387Oo_Oy_AIVAvrICh1VVAisEAAYAiAAEgKfVPD_BwE
Meditate and Visualize what you want to Manifest in your life, making the time for this is key. https://www.gbtu2020.store/product-page/meditate-visualize-manifest-unisex-hoodie
Many of us have such busy lives from the time we wake up until the time we go to bed. Some of us can't even find time to use the bathroom long enough to have a good bowel movement. If rest and meditation are not a priority in your life, you should find a place on your vision board for this to happen. Rushing from one task to the next without planning, meditating, and proper visualization is a recipe for disappointment. Meditation allows us to clear our thoughts from clutter to help manifest our dreams and goals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x67EU06grpQ , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxeOltd0rzU
If 2022 did not bring you what you wanted, perhaps changing the way you do things in 2023 will. It is possible that not incorporating meditation and visualization may have been the missing peace!
Meditate, Visualize, Manifest!
Patricia Pointer
Certified Massage Therapist
Wellness Coach