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Writer's picturePat Pointer

Setting Yourself Up for Success

5 Reasons Why You Must Believe In Yourself Every Day.

How many times have you found yourself in a predicament after saying yes to something you should have said no to instead? Many times we set ourselves up for failure believing that whatever we said yes to, will be the only chance we'll get. Later, we find that our bodies manifest a lie, such as stress or disease, that our mouths should have spoken as truth. (Just Saying No!)

We must believe in ourselves enough to know that when an opportunity comes along, it is not the only one. There will be more. If not, we can create our own opportunities.

Here are 5 Reasons Why You Must Believe In Yourself Every Day.

  1. Respect! Aretha Franklin said it best; Find out what Respect means to you. We are so eager to give respect to others. What about giving it to yourself? Respecting yourself first will set the stage for others to do the same.

  2. Freeing yourself from guilt when refusing to do something you know is out of your character. Never accept anything that makes you feel less than you know you are.

  3. Validation. Expecting others to validate your talent or who they believe you should be, is insane. Be your beautiful self, always.

  4. Revealing your talent. You are unique and incredibly talented! You have many amazing skills that someone needs. You must share your talents with the world. It is up to you how.

  5. Mental Stability. If others are making decisions for your life, it is not always a comfortable feeling. When you control the decisions made for you, you are taking back your power.

How we chose to live our lives is up to us. Believing we have what it takes to live life on our own terms is powerful. There are times when we may need to ask for help. That is ok. When we are overwhelmed and unable to make sound decisions, we must take a pause. Consider talking to someone, trustworthy, to get us to that place where we can believe in ourselves.

Patricia Pointer

Certified Massage Therapist


Wellness Coach


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sheila perkins
sheila perkins
May 13, 2022

This is interesting. We seem to fall into the delusion sometimes believing we need others to validate us or our journey. Yes, believe in yourself even when others don't because people are on the outside looking in at your life. They don't have a clue as to how the Creator is guiding you. BELIEVE IN SELF

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