Three Perfect And Inexpensive Ways To Care For Your Feet
The average person walks approximately one to two miles a day which is about three to four thousand steps a day. A recent study has found that increasing our steps to six thousand a day could reduce the risk of developing dementia by 50%. While this is great news, those miles we put on our feet are very similar to the miles we put on our vehicles. Yet we will take time to maintain our vehicles well without the same consideration for our feet.,now%2C%20as%20your%20own%20baseline.
Our feet go everywhere we do. We put a lot of wear and tear on them. We stand in long lines and go up and down stairs. Our feet even help us maintain good postural control while holding large items. Yes, our feet come to the rescue every time. They deserve to be treated like royalty!
Many of us take our feet for granted as if they are just another part of our anatomy. We never consider the possibility of losing our feet, due to neglect. Some people get pedicures monthly. This is not a bad idea. However, if your budget cannot afford to have this done monthly, here are three great alternatives.
Stretch your feet and ankles daily. (preferably at night, before you lay down) This will increase your range of motion and decrease the potential for pain/injury which in turn, will help you sleep better.
Buy better shoes. Not just expensive but good quality shoes. If you are unable to stand for more than thirty minutes without your feet hurting, you should consider another pair.
Make time to soak your feet weekly for approximately thirty minutes. Consider watching or listening to your favorite program to pass the time.
These 3 simple ways will allow your feet to relax in order for your body to restore and repair itself while you rest.
Peace & Power
Patricia Pointer
Certified Massage Therapist
Wellness Coach
Thank you Nita 🙏🏾♥️
Great, wellness!!! Loved this Patrica!!!!!!!❤️