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Writer's picturePat Pointer

What Will Your New Years Resolution Be This Time?

Three Reasons Why You Should NOT Make Any Exercise Resolutions For 2023.

If you are like some people, you start thinking around this time of the year to begin an exercise regimen for the new year. Unfortunately, about fifty percent of people who set those goals, never reach them.

Here's why...

  1. The goals set may be unreasonable. Many times people set ambitious goals that they are unable to fit into their schedules. Thus, they feel like they have to abandon them. Modifying an exercise schedule to perhaps 15 to 30-minute increments rather than completely abandoning it may be reasonably achievable.

  2. Some people rely on others to hold themselves accountable. We must hold ourselves accountable for the choices we make. Be your biggest cheerleader! Pat yourself on the back when you have accomplished your goal and check yourself when you know you could have done better.

  3. Many people make exercise goals based on what other people have said about their weight. As a result, people lose their self-confidence and self-esteem. We should be happy with who we are but not necessarily content with where we are on our journey to fitness. Our goals should be based on what we are willing to incorporate or get rid of to achieve a realistic goal for ourselves.

A fitness goal should always be approached holistically. This means that we must start with our diet. If we are not willing to change the way we eat, the battle for losing weight is almost certain to fail.

If you are not willing to give up a certain dish that is loaded with fat and calories, make it a treat. Have this dish once a month and reduce the portion size. In addition, set a five-pound-a-month weight goal for the foods you love. An example would be, "I will lose five pounds by the end of the mouth and treat myself to a quarter of a cup of ice cream."

Incorporate food that will work for you not against you. Food that is high in fiber and protein will usually increase your energy levels and decrease your hunger cravings. This will make it less likely for you to eat foods that are high in fat and calories.

Lastly, make sure you are getting enough sleep. Your body requires rest in order for it to restore and repair itself. This will help your immune system build a more healthy and stronger YOU!

The bottom line is incorporating a realistic balanced diet, exercise, and rest are all equally important to managing your weight. Exercising is a great way to lose weight. However, exercising alone is not realistic. It should be done along with a healthy diet and restful sleep which will allow you to lose the weight you desire, realistically.

Peace & Balance!

Patricia Pointer


Certified Massage Therapist

Wellness Coach


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